
How to Make Sure Your Windows Can Withstand the Winter

How to Make Sure Your Windows Can Withstand the Winter

You only need to mention offhandedly that you live in Minnesota and an out-of-state stranger’s eyes will grow wide. “Doesn’t it get cold there?” they may ask. It sure does, but that’s why you make sure that you—and your home—have prepared yourselves adequately and are, year after year, ready to take on some snowdrifts.

Have you ever considered winterizing your windows? It’s all too normal to forget to do so. Compared to your roof or your deck, your windows don’t seem like they need that much attention to prepare for winter. But, as the experts at Tony’s Lifetime Exteriors, we know that isn’t the case.

4 Reasons to Winterize Your Windows

While in certain areas of the country, your windows would be fine all year without much prep work. But in Minnesota, winterizing your windows should still be a priority for a number of reasons.

1. To Save Money

Say a window breaks. You’re now faced with higher energy bills as your HVAC system strives and strains to keep up with the new draft. If the problem is severe enough that there actually is glass broken, you’re now letting snow into your home, opening your furniture up to moisture damage.

Indoor furniture, of course, is not meant to be exposed to the elements, let alone a dusting of snow! You could be on the line for large repair or replacement costs if the problem persists. With the potential heightened energy expenditures combined with the potential for furniture breakage, of course you should consider—no, tack onto the to-do list—winterizing your windows.

2. To Increase the Lifespan of Your Windows

In love with your current casement windows or bay windows? If not, it might be time for window replacement, but if you are, it’s best to batten down their hatches, so to speak, for the winter weather ahead.

Windows left unattended to fend for themselves certainly won’t last as long. It’s common sense. So, if you adore how your home looks as far as windows are concerned, don’t take it for granted, and put the work in to keep it that way.

3. To Reduce Stress

A window breaking, a frigid home, and increased energy bills—those things are certainly not pleasant. Do everything you can to keep your family happy and relaxed this winter, and start with taking care of your windows.

4. To Be More Comfortable

Minnesota weather might be harsh during the winter, but this doesn’t mean you should have to feel these impacts when you’re inside your own home. Your house should be somewhere that you can escape from the cold temperatures and snow build up.

But, if your windows aren’t set up to withstand the storms, you’ll feel the drafts and the cold more than if your windows were in good condition. So, by winterizing your windows or upgrading your old windows, you’ll get to feel warm and cozy inside, even as the weather outside gets frosty.

No doubt you’re now aware of the importance of window winterization. It can make the difference between a stress-free winter and one fraught with bills, breakages, and strife. But if you are in need of new windows, Tony’s Lifetime Exteriors is more than happy to provide! With our fast, talented, and nearly-all-in-house team, we’ll have your home fixed up in a jiffy.

How to Keep Your Windows in Good Condition for the Winter

Keeping your windows ready for anything, including a rough winter, is simple, especially with the following tips:

Consider Storm Windows

While they can be poor insulators as far as temperature is concerned, these devices can help stop air from moving back and forth, from the inside to the outside and vice versa.

In other words, you’ll experience fewer drafts. If you’re experiencing some major drafts already, though, it’s time to get new windows, but storm windows can be useful in a pinch. They can help your HVAC system stay strong through the colder months and thus save you money.

Again, though, many kinds, given their poor insulating abilities, are no substitute for professional window installation and new windows if you’re in need of them.

Caulk Your Windows Around the Exterior

Caulk is a material available in a paste-like form from many hardware and home-improvement stores. It dries solid, rendering it a great solution if your windows have a couple gaps around their trim (which they shouldn’t, if they were installed properly and recently).

Caulk isn’t a permanent solution. It’s not recommended that you caulk over old caulk, so if you’ve got a whole lot of maintenance to do, it might just be cheaper and less stressful to opt for window replacement. If you’re going the caulking route, though, make sure to choose a high-quality brand that’s fit for exterior use.

See If Weatherstripping Is an Option

While applying this product can be quite the task (you probably want to give your window frames a good scrubbing beforehand so it sticks), it can, in the right circumstances, help keep your home warm and squeeze the last remaining months of usability out of your windows. However, no amount of weatherstriping will save you if you’re in need of window replacement.

Opt for New Windows

While replacement windows might be the more expensive option, it’s worth it if your windows are just too old or too drafty. If you find that your current windows let in too much air and moisture, you can get new ones from the professionals at Tony’s Lifetime Exteriors.

And, you don’t have to replace all your windows at once either. If just one or two windows are causing most of the problems, invest in upgrading them. Plus, new windows can make your home look more modern and better than before.

Contact Tony’s Lifetime Exteriors for Window Replacement

Time for new windows? We’ve got you covered. It might be about to get cold, but you don’t have to worry if your home is secure. Enjoy quiet winter days in cozy, well-lit comfort this season and give our Sauk Rapids office a call now at 320-252-9086.


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