
Can Vinyl Siding Be Painted?

Can Vinyl Siding Be Painted?

Is your vinyl siding looking a little worse-for-wear? While anything from Tony’s Lifetime Exteriors is designed to last and hold strong, age or poor care can take their toll on any siding type, vinyl included.

Wondering how to spruce up your vinyl siding as a part of your spring cleaning? We’ve got all the tips and answers below!

Can Vinyl Siding Be Painted?

The short answer? Yes. The long answer? A little bit more complicated.

Vinyl siding contractors will tell you that vinyl siding can indeed take a coat of paint, and they’d be right. However, it’s not common practice for either homeowners or professionals.

Why? Well, vinyl siding generally is low-maintenance, which means with the proper minimal care, you shouldn’t need to paint it, especially if you purchased it from us! You can reasonably expect your vinyl siding installation to last for years without fading or losing its vividness. By the time it needs painting, you probably need new siding anyhow.

Painting is also a big job for the average homeowner, and one that can be dangerous. It’s also tricky to get perfect. Vinyl siding expands and contacts slightly with changing temperatures, and  you thus may end up with a patchy painting job if you aren’t an absolute pro.

In short: Even though you technically can paint vinyl siding, we at Tony’s Lifetime Exteriors recommend just hiring a professional siding company for help with a larger-scale renovation or simple repair instead.

When and What to Consider About Painted Vinyl Siding

You may, however, want to consider painting if..

  • You’re patching up a broken area and want to match your old siding’s color.
  • You want to change your home’s look and don’t want to pay for new siding.
  • Your preferred siding type isn’t available in your desired color.

Even though painting vinyl siding is possible, there are still quite a few questions you must ask before you pick up a brush.

Are you ready to potentially void your siding’s warranty? Some brands come with quality guarantees that become irrelevant when the siding is purposely changed like this. Painting could potentially stop you from making the most out of your siding and getting your full money’s worth.

Are you willing to accept the consequences of your work? Like we said above, painting a whole house is a tough job to get right. Plus, paint can’t be easily removed when it’s applied on that large of a scale. When you arm yourself with rollers and buckets, you must understand that the possibility of disaster does exist—and that it’s more likely to befall you if you haven’t done such a big renovation before.

Are you ready for a lot of work? Painting your siding isn’t an easy job. It’s a lot of climbing up and down ladders, and a lot of holding paint rollers above your head. To put it frankly: it’s backbreaking.

Is residing your home or repairing the broken siding pieces usually just a better idea? Nine times out of ten, the answer is yes.

Why Not Just Call in a Siding Company?

Don’t go to the hardware store and drop tons of money on tools and paint that might not even get you the exterior appearance you want. A vinyl siding repair company is an affordable alternative if you’re looking to save, and an entirely new siding installation job is a smarter investment if your home is already in need of a refresh.

A Vinyl Siding Repair Company Fixes the Problems Underneath the Surface

When you paint vinyl siding that’s faded or cracked, hoping to disguise its flaws, you might succeed for a bit. Your home will sure look fresh as a daisy with a fresh coat of paint! However, paint won’t fix the problem that had made the siding crack in the first place, be it poor installation, age, or something else entirely. You also lose track of the damaged planks and might fail to see parts in the future that desperately need attention.

Be responsible. Hire a vinyl siding repair company like Tony’s Lifetime Exteriors and don’t just cover up the problem—fix it.

A Vinyl Siding Installation Company Can Solve Systemic Issues

Does your whole house look like it needs a paint job? It probably doesn’t; it needs siding replacement. Just like with the less-extensive vinyl siding repair, vinyl siding replacement takes care of the problem that caused your siding’s decay—but, in contrast, new siding installation is powerful enough to fix even large-scale craftsmanship issues, or those that stem from a lack of proper care.

As a bonus, it’ll leave your home looking just as gorgeous as would a new coat of paint!

Contact Tony’s Lifetime Exteriors for All Your Vinyl Siding Needs

We’re skilled, mostly in-house Sauk Rapids providers of everything from storm damage repair to vinyl siding installation who would be privileged to serve you and your family. For exterior renovations and repairs done the right way, phone us today at 320-252-9086.